21 Nov

General Physician in South Delhi delineates the importance of eating healthy so as to avoid complications in case you are suffering from diabetes. Best Internal Medicine Specialist in Green Park has even come forward with the diet chart for diabetes sufferers. You can get a diet chart from the Best Clinic in Delhi and follow the same. Here are things that diabetes patients must avoid.

Avoid sweetened drinks

Instead of having the sweetened drinks with water, you can go in for unsweetened tea and other low-calorie options. You can restrict the consumption of 100-percent fruit juice to just one 4-ounce serving per day because fruit juices are high in carbohydrates. Raise the consumption of vegetable substitute chips and pretzels by the crispy and non-starchy vegetables like sweet peppers, celery, and carrots. Have the lean cuts of beef that includes sirloin rather than having the rib eye. Go in for the low-fat or say the fat-free dairy products and Greek yogurt. Frozen yogurt is a better choice for you instead of ice cream.

Avoid fried food

 You must avoid as much fried food as you can and try going in for the food that undergo baking, grilling, and broiling cooking methods. Get rid of at least reduce the sodium by simply rinsing the canned vegetables with the help of cold water prior to cooking. Boost the taste of your veggies, fish as well as pasta with the help of fresh lemon juice rather than butter and salt. Be very sure about the portion sizes and make use of non-stick cooking sprays or say the small amounts of healthy oils rather than using butter for cooking.

All in all, these are the things that diabetes patients must avoid. In case you are the one suffering from diabetes then do take due care of the same.

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