10 Oct

The best General Physician in Green Park has a lot of tips to tell you about maintain your health and taking care of yourself. Just like the Diabetes Specialist in Delhi offer a diet plan and the list of other do’s and don’ts to their patients, in the same way general physicians also have a lot to say. If you visit the Best Clinic in South Delhi you will find that they give you tips that are worth following. Here we are with few best health tips by General Physicians. These are as follows:

Do not skip your breakfast ever

One of the most important meal of the day is your breakfast as you tend to take it after letting your stomach be absent for long. You must therefore not skip your breakfast. According to the studies, in case you are habitual to skip your breakfast you tend to gain weight. You must have a balanced breakfast. You can have fresh fruit or fruit juice in addition to the high-fibre breakfast cereal.

Neurobics is a must for your mind

You need to get your brain active with energy. ‘Neurobics’ is a term that basically describes the tasks that activates your mind. These are the activities that activate the biochemical pathways of the brain so as to fetch new pathways online which further strengthens as well as preserve the brain circuits.  Try to go in for doing the same things differently every day. This keeps your mind active and it becomes strong. It also enhances the memorizing power of your brain.

All in all, these are the best health tips by General Physicians. You ought to follow all of these so as to have a good health as we all known that health is wealth.

Source : https://sites.google.com/site/generalphysicianingreenpark/best-health-tips-by-general-physicians

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